The Vitamix 5200 Series Blender
Best Price: $399.95 on Amazon ➢ ➢ ➢ Vitamix 5200 Blender
My Rating: 5/5 stars
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Juicing and Blood Pressure
In several of my previous posts I have discussed the importance of implementing a healthy diet in order to help control blood pressure. And one of my favourite ways of incorporating foods which naturally lower blood pressure into my daily diet is to use my Vitamix blender to make delicious smoothies.
Vitamix 5200 Series with accessories
I have owned several juicer/blenders over the years, and today I want to share with you why the Vitamix is the best of the bunch. I have owned a Vitamix 5000 series for easily 10 years now and it is still going strong. The Vitamix 5200 series looks identical to my machine and is the one I have chosen to do a review on.
What’s so good about the Vitamix Blender?
There are a number of reasons I would recommend the Vitamix brand:
- Vitamix machines are extremely easy to use – from the beginning all the way to clean up at the end. This will keep you coming back to use your machine time and time again. My old GreenStar juicer was a pretty good machine but was a nightmare to clean up afterwards. As a result it suffered from lack of usage, and once I bought my Vitamix I quickly moved my GreenStar on.
- These machines are very high quality and not built to be disposable. A Vitamix is made to last! Mine serves as proof of this!
- The machine is super robust with a powerful motor, so it is easily able to handle just about anything you put into it.
- Unlike other juicers the Vitamix does not separate out the fibre from the juice. So you are getting the benefits of all the micro-nutrients from all of the the foods you are juicing.
- The Vitamix is designed to handle textures anywhere from chunky to smooth by the use of precision controlled speed dials.
- Vitamix is a brand most trusted by professional chefs for their reliability and performance. For example, in the high pressure stadium of Iron Chef America you will see Vitamix blenders featured prominently.
- Vitamix backs up their product with a 7 year warranty and easy return policy if it doesn’t come up to expectation.
(Although personally I really doubt that it will not perform as desired!)
Whole Food Juicing – the way to go!
In actuality, the Vitamix machine is not a juicer in the sense that a juicer separates the water from the fibre content from the vegetable or fruit being juiced.
However, to get the best nutrient value out of the food you actually don’t want just the juice. Rather, you want a machine which can deliver what is called Whole Food Juicing. In other words it blends the entire ingredients and thereby provides you with all of the nutritious fibre and health benefits.
This is important as a lot of the essential nutrients found in those vegetables and fruits (which have been shown to lower blood pressure) are found in the fibre of the plants/fruits themselves.
This is what the Vitamix delivers!!
The Vitamix 5200 series blender comes with a recipe book to get you on your way. And the Vitamix website has lots more great recipes to download for free.
Here is a link to one of my favourite smoothies. They call it “Dance to the Beet” Smoothie…
But I like to call it:
“Calm Your BP Smoothie”
I highly recommend adding a Vitamix Blender to your kitchen so you can take advantage of making some super healthy smoothies which will not only taste delicious but really help keep your blood pressure under control. I love my Vitamix 5200 and use it daily…. you can too!! 😀