Nitrinol Review – Nitric Oxide supplement to help Blood Pressure

Today’s Product Review:  Nitrinol,  Natural Nitric Oxide Booster

Manufactured by Uniscience Group*

* located in Bridgeport CN, USA

Price on Amazon :  $39.99  (multi-box deals available – As Low As $29.99)  

My Rating:   3.5 out of 5


Nitric Oxide and Blood Pressure

Research and Studies have shown that increasing levels of Nitric Oxide in the body helps manage blood pressure by dilating the vessels and thereby facilitating the flow of blood in the veins and arteries. This requires less pressure on the artery walls and makes the heart work less strenuously.

So, if the body is not able to produce enough Nitric Oxide (NO) naturally, then is it possible to improve this situation by simply using supplementation?

And if so then how effective is such supplementation?

Nitrinol by the Uniscience Group is one such supplement which claims amongst other things to “Support Circulatory Health.”   Today I am going to take a closer look at the claims and the science to see if this product does indeed work.

Nitrinol – What’s it got to offer?

When I am reviewing a product I usually consider three things:

  1. What are the ingredients and do they work, either individually, and better still in combination?
  2. Is the science behind the product reliable?
  3. What actual users have to say about the effectiveness of the product?

With that in mind let’s delve deeper into this product!

The Ingredients

click to enlarge

Looking at the product label the ingredients include Vitamin C, Riboflavin and Niacin and then
the Nitrinol Proprietary Blend.  The latter is worth taking a closer look at since it’s clear that the ingredients mentioned above are actually included in this Proprietary Blend! (note: Ascorbic acid is another name for Vitamin C)

  • Beet root extract – is high in nitrates which are converted to nitric oxide in the body.
  • Sodium Nitrate – converts to sodium nitrite when ingested and is then further transformed into nitric oxide.
  • Niacin (Vitamin B3) – causes dilation of the blood vessels which helps reduce blood pressure.
  • Ascorbic Acid – Vitamin C’s diuretic effects have been found to support lower BP.  But amounts taken need to be around 500mg daily, about 5 times the recommend daily dosage.
  • Melon Juice concentrate – in the form called Extramel – an extract which contains the antioxidant superoxide dismutase, or SOD, which is actually a preventative antioxidant. Helps with lipid control and build up of arterial plaque.
  • L-Arginine HCL – converts to Nitric Oxide when ingested.  Research has shown a modest effect on reducing BP.
  • Riboflavin – Vitamin B2 which has been shown to reduce BP in about 10% of the population who have a genetic factor linked to this Vitamin.  (For further reading on this click here)

So, all of the above ingredients have indeed been shown to help reduce blood pressure, and taken together should have a synergistic effect and pack a stronger punch!!

The Science backing up the Product – is it sound?

Nitric Oxide has been described as the major “chemical signaller” produced in the circulatory system  to relax your arteries and to control your blood vessels.

When your body produces enough Nitric Oxide (NO) you will experience better blood circulation, including maintained healthy blood pressure. Further, your body’s cells and organs will receive optimal amounts of nutrient-rich blood and oxygen.

So, there appears to be no doubt amongst the experts regarding the importance of sufficient levels of NO in the body.

The co-discoverer of NO’s role in heart health Dr Louis Ignarro actually called Nitric Oxide:

The most significant molecule in your body, absolutely crucial for your well-being.”

Okay, so why is Nitric Oxide so important?

Well  simply put it all has to do with the cell lining of the blood vessel walls – the Endothelium.  The endothelial cells’  job is to react to the physical conditions in the blood vessels. For example, when they sense the demands from the muscles and heart as a result of physical exercise, they go to work to produce more nitric oxide. And in the process the vessels get a workout themselves which is vital for good health as the NO maintains open and flexible arteries.

Without sufficient levels of NO arteries will stiffen and become liable to poorer blood circulation, which is eventually harmful to all parts of your body, including your heart, brain and other vital organs.

Different studies have looked at the effect of NO on blood pressure, and one in particular concentrated on the consumption of vegetables high in nitrates on both systolic and diastolic BP.

The results were impressive!!

Three hours after having consumed 500ml of beet juice, the blood pressure levels of the volunteers involved in the study were measured and ….

a reduction of on average 10mm/Hg (systolic) and 8 mm/Hg diastolic was noted.

Moreover the researchers found that the beet juice helped protect the endothelial cells, improved restricted blood flow in the forearm, and even lowered clotting of the blood.

Ok, so the science around Nitric Oxide and its importance in regulating blood pressure is indeed sound!!

What do Users of Nitrinol have to say?

Reviews on Amazon were mixed (see chart opposite)

This appears to be a product which either works really well, as indicated by those who gave it 4 or 5 stars. Of note here is that some people were taking it for the overall effects of boosting NO in their systems, such as improved blood flow to hands and feet.

Or, it doesn’t work at all!  One person found the flushing effect of the Niacin in the product was severe and thus could not be taken.  This is a temporary effect of Niacin which can be reduced by taking the dosage with food.  The flushing is usually most apparent in the face and upper body.

My Take on Nitrinol

Like any supplements there is always the variable of individual makeup to throw into the mix.  So, naturally for some this product will produce the desired effects, whilst for others it unfortunately will not.

Looking at the ingredients I believe that this product will work. In my opinion, the synergistic effect of all ingredients combined should improve the effectiveness of the supplement.

The NO test strips which accompany the order will certainly show how well the supplement is increasing your levels of NO.  And I am confident that the ingredients themselves will work in helping to reduce blood pressure.

However, I am a little concerned by all the “other ingredients” listed on the label, as this can sometimes be an indication of the overall quality of the product.  Inferior products often use these so-called “other ingredients” as fillers, which may affect potency of the product. This may not be the case here but there are rather a lot of them, I must say!

In conclusion I would agree with the rating above and give Nitrinol a

3.5 out of 5!!

==▶︎ See also my review of Peak BP Platinum supplement◀︎==


Was this review post helpful.  Do you want to know more about Nitrinol?  Please feel free to leave me some comments below and I will be happy to follow up.


  1. Liz

    I really appreciate your reviews about BP products. This is one I’ve never heard of. I drink beetroot juice every morning and it helps. I have also read on Dr. Mercola’s site that arugula is even more powerful than beets at reducing BP. I wish I liked it but its bitterness is a little hard to take for me.

    I think the best thing you can do for reducing BP is go on a plant-based diet which I did and that has helped enormously but it isn’t a total cure so far.

    1. Nick (Post author)

      Hi Liz
      It’s great to read your comment and thank you so much for your input. I was actually surprised to see arugula topping the list of nitrate-rich foods. It works quite well in my beetroot smoothie, as long as I don’t overdo it and use a little orange juice to offset the bitter taste of the arugula.

      I agree with you that the plant based diet is one of the most important changes you can make to help manage blood pressure. This is why I think the DASH diet has a lot going for it. I actually feel guilty now if I don’t have my daily salad with beetroot/sauerkraut topping and healthy vegetables.
I also drink a cup of chilled Hibiscus Tea each day, and I am convinced that is working for me too. No doubt daily exercise/ activity and deep breathing relaxation also play a role. 
I am continually on the lookout for new natural ideas to feature on the website, as I truly believe the natural solutions are out there. It’s just finding that right balance which works, and I know that will be different for each of us!!
Anyhow I do hope you get to that point where you find the right combination of natural approaches. I do hope that some of the other information on the site might be of use to you. 

  2. Paul Nicholas Ingram

    I need to take this nitrinol as my blood pressure is usually low and I’m always feeling dizzy and light headed. However I would like to know if it’s safe to take with other medication? ie. Lipitor statin, Aspirin, Tamsolosin, Betmiga (Mira bygron) and terbinafine for fungus nails.
    I also have a very high count of calcium in my arteries, 2,400. I’ve had 2 stents put in my main arteries.
    Thank you for hopefully a positive reply

    1. Nick (Post author)

      Thanks for your question Paul. My understanding of the basic effect of and reason for taking Nitrinol – and thus one of the reasons I reviewed is – is to help lower blood pressure by increasing levels of Nitric Oxide in the body. From your enquiry I see your BP levels are usually low, so my first reaction to this is that if you do take Nitrinol it could very well lower your BP further and, I am sorry to say, make your dizzy spells and light-headedness episodes even worse. As far as it being safe to take with other medications, the only contraindication I could find was that it should not be taken with PANTOPRAZOLE – a medication for acid-reflux conditions. However as you are on a number of medications, I would advise you to consult with your Doctor before trying Nitrinol. I am afraid that’s not the reply you were hoping for, but in all honesty I would be very concerned about the Nitrinol working as it is supposed to and depressing your blood pressure too much. Re the calcium count in your arteries, I have read that Vitamin D3 taken with Vitamin K2 – Mk7 can help to shuttle calcium out of the blood system and into the bones where it belongs.